Terms & Condition

Hi this is FOX NEWS ALERT TODAY CEO. Here we will talk about Terms & Condition to use this website.

Terms of Use:

You can use this site like generally to know about the new & latest News by daily base. You can subscribe our Email feed so that when we publish a News here you will get a notification by email. Although you can comment on this site. You can comment under News OR can give you own point of view. if you have any questions or need more details about the News. You can also contact us with your Email. Thank You!

Conditions of Use:

Obviously if you are looking for latest News then this is a right place for you here. Don't forget this site content is strongly protected by DMCA. So don't try to reuse OR copy this to your blog or website. Further you can share any of news, breaking news and your favorite Gossip with your friends by social media OR by sharing URL.

NOTE: If you are a spammer and looking for do a spam comment with your website link for getting a backlink from this site then let me remind you first. We are going to Delete OR add to spam your Comment instantly. So please don't do these spammy things here. Thank You!

If you have any question then please Contact us.